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Company Profile

The Bao Teng companies to was established in 1989 and is very grateful for household good care and support, our company is in the industry lie to own for more than 30 years profession production experience of the electronics spare parts is one Be dedicated to development to produce company, the Bao Teng fine service and continuous development spirit, the company has been firmly standing by the customer's need and request, in addition to good company prestige, have an innovation merchandise to ask the city every year, as the car is zero accessorieses, the home electronics articles, home appliance, kitchenware, illuminate and aquatic animals articles etc., as long as is relevant high pressure coil, the transformer and a variety of electric circuits design a service LED related product, is all our company good at realm, with customer's angle set out and insist the customer highest, serve with quiet attention for standard, can even provide your guest to make service for turning, release better, more high-quality product.